Tìm kiếm

Tìm kiếm

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 8, 2016


SÓC NHÍ http://socnhi.com/
CHĂM HỌChttp://chamhoc.vn/
KHOA HỌC KỸ THUẬThttp://khoahoc.tv/s/khoa+h%E1%BB%8Dc+k%E1%BB%B9+thu%E1%BA%ADt
BÀI HỌC CUỘC SỐNG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8H37WxAwMU
THẾ GIỚI ĐỘNG VẬT HOANG Dà https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV7hnZ2KN2lzHLgYmvrq2Q ast May, we added some expressions to our templating language to make it easier for you to customize your blog’s look and feel. These new expressions proved popular with those of you who enjoy advanced blogging tools, so we wanted to offer you even more flexibility. Starting today, we’re introducing a new set of operators, which we’re calling lambda expressions, that allow you to apply rules to whole sets of data (think posts, comments, or labels), rather than just individual instances. Let’s say you wanted to add a flower image to all posts with the label “Flower,” for example. With lambda expressions, simply define a variable name that each item in the set will take, and then refer to the variable name as though it were each item.

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